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Products / m2webMonitor



Cost effective solutions for remote device management and monitoring

Neosynthesis supports Machine-to-Machine (M2M) products and devices through it’s m2webMonitor™ system. m2webMonitor™ is a web based system for the management and control of wired and wireless remote devices.

m2webMonitor™ is designed with an open architecture which allows the system to be configured to support any type of device. Clients can customize the communications formats, inbound and outbound communications, statistics being reported, alarm measurements, and site appearance. Once configured, end users can register, monitor, and control devices via m2webMonitor’s web interface. Users are granted secure access to the specific devices. From there, past data can be analyzed, commands can be sent to devices, and alarm conditions can be viewed. The system monitors all unit communications, and if a reported statistic is outside the end-user defined limits an alarm is triggered and the end-user is notified.

To learn more about m2webMonitor™ contact us and schedule a product demonstration and a free consultation

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